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KBS 2010 in Lausanne

Non-French Speaking Survival Kit

In case your French vocabulary does not exceed "bonjour", "merci" and "croissant", do not fear to come to Lausanne. The website http://www.french-at-a-touch.comExternal link will help you for all kind of daily activites.


English Pronunciation French
Do you speak English? par-lay voo zon-glay Parlez-vous anglais?
Excuse me/sorry ex-koo-zay mwah Excusez-moi
Fine thanks and you? bee-ehn mer-see ay voo? Merci et vous?
Glad to meet you on-shohn-tay Enchanté
Good-by oh ruh-vwar Au revoir
Good evening bon-swar Bon soir
Good morning/good day bon-zhoor Bon jour
Hello sah-loo Salut
Here ee-see Ici
How are you? kom-mohn tah-lay voo Comment allez-vous?
I don't understand jhuhn kom-prohn pah Je ne comprends pas
I'm sorry day-zoh-lay/pahr-dohn Desolé/Pardon
My name is juh mah-pell Je m'appelle
No nohn Non
Ok dah-core d'accord
Pardon me pahr-dohn Pardon
Please seel voo play S'il vous plaît
Pleased to meet you ohn--shahn-tay Enchanté(e)
Please speak slowly par-lay lehn-ta-mohn Parlez lentement
So-so kum-see, kum-sah Comme ci, comme ça
Thank you mare-see Merci
That's ok dah ree-ehn De rien
There lah
Very well treh bee-ehn Très bien
What? kom-mohn Comment?
What is your name?
kom-mohn voo-za-peh-lay voo
Comment vous appellez-vous?
When kohn Quand
Where oo
You' re welcome dah ree-ehn De rien

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