KBS Workshops

Early Career Researcher Meeting

6th June, 12:30-14:00

At the start of their career researchers in the alcohol field face several challenges in bringing forward their research and career path including getting funded, orienting their career, and finding the most suitable training opportunities. The aim of this meeting is to explore the feasibility of a KBS Early career researcher group. During this meeting KBS early career researchers’ needs will be explored and suggestions from participants will be discussed. Results will be reported during the KBS BUSINESS MEETING at the end of the conference. The meeting is open to all KBS members in their early career. No age or number of year in research restrictions apply. It is up to participants to decide whether they feel they can both benefit and contribute to this meeting.

A buffet lunch will be provided.


6th June, 16.00-17.30

GENACIS (Gender, Alcohol, and Culture: An International Study), GENAHTO (Gender and Alcohol’s Harm to Others), and IGSAHO (International Group for the Study of Alcohol’s Harms to Others) are holding a combined workshop to discuss recent cross-national research on alcohol’s harm to others. Brief updates from all national study directors will be welcomed. The workshop is open to all KSB members and participants are invited to dinner afterwards at….

There is no need to RSVP to the workshop but if you are interested in attending the dinner please RSVP to Anne-Marie Laslett and Sharon Wilsnack on: and

Dinner afterwards, 7.30 pm at Otto’s Morrocan Restaurant, 344 Sharrow Vale Road, Sheffield, S11 8ZP (tel: +44 114 2669147)  

Local Alcohol Availability & the Night Time Economy

6th June, 16:00-17:30

Focusing on local approaches to alcohol premises licensing, hours of sale, outlet density and the night-time economy, this session will provide an opportunity for researchers to share information about current research studies and methodological developments. The aim of the session will be to learn from and inform ongoing studies in different countries. These will include a new UK study: ExILEnS: Exploring the Impact of alcohol Licensing in England and Scotland which will measure the intensity of public health activity in this area, alcohol premises licensing authority activity, and impact of both on health and crime outcomes in 40 local areas from 2009 to 2018. The session will be limited in numbers to allow for constructive discussion of areas of mutual research interest. Please contact in advance if you would like to attend.

Walking the advocacy tightrope: What role can researchers play in the alcohol policy process?

8th June, 12:30-14:00

This seminar is organised by the Institute of Alcohol Studies and will feature a panel of leading researchers who will share their views and experiences of engaging with the alcohol policy process. The role of research and academics in influencing policy decisions will be discussed and participants will be encouraged to contribute to a debate about boundaries for advocacy and impartiality. A facilitated discussion will seek views on what actions academics can take within their roles as researchers and also highlight the role advocacy organisations and NGOs can play in research translation and dissemination. This seminar is open to all KBS attendees and a buffet lunch will be provided.

Panellists: Tim Stockwell, Pia Makela, Michael Livingston, Colin Angus
Chair: Katherine Brown


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