Abstract Submission

Researchers are invited to submit informative abstracts. The abstract should be structured into the following sections: introduction, methods, results, and conclusions. The word limit for the abstracts is 250 words and max. three (3) keywords.

The abstract must always be followed by a sentence (declaration of interest) stating whether there exists any relationship that could be viewed as presenting a potential conflict of interest (if so, a full disclosure must be given). If there is no conflict of interest, please write “Conflict of interest: none reported”.

Please note that the deadline for submitting abstracts is 31st January 2021. Please send your applications by midnight Helsinki time (EET) (i.e. by 11 pm CET).

If you are applying for financial support, please keep in mind that the application for financial support will be evaluated alongside the abstract. In that case, the deadline of 31st January 2021 applies for both the abstract and the financial support application.

Information on the Eligibility and Presentation at KBS can be found after the form.

If you want to change something from the first submission, please contact the administrator at .  

Participants must log-in to submit their abstract.
If you have not created your account yet, please click on create an account.

Eligibility and Submission of Papers

Decisions on abstracts will be sent out on 19th February 2021 and if you are invited to submit a full paper, the deadline for submissions will be 30th April 2021. Please show others courtesy by respecting the submission deadline to allow your discussant to prepare their comments on time.

You will be asked to submit your full paper to this website where it can be downloaded by all delegates. Please indicate by watermarking or stating in the header and footer if you do not want participants to cite or share the paper without your permission. You will also need to email a copy to your discussant who will be identified in the draft program when it becomes available.

Please note that if we have not received your registration fee by 15th March 2021, we will withdraw your presentation from the program.

Presenting at KBS

The programme is constructed with the assumption that all KBS delegates attend all five days of the symposium. Changes in the programme are difficult to accommodate so give as much notice as possible if you have had to change your plans or the title or content of your presentation.

We also assume that the person submitting an abstracts takes responsibility for the presentation of the paper. To ensure that the programme is accurate, please let the organisers know if someone other than the person submitting will present a paper.

Papers are presented in 10-minute slots and session chairs are strict about timings. Each block of two papers is followed by a discussant's comments and general audience participation.


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